Regional Versus General Anaesthesia for Caesarean Section : Changing Perspectives
Caesarean section, Spinal anaesthesia, General anaesthesia, ObstetricsAbstract
Worldwide the number of caesarean section has increased over the years. Hence it has become a greater challenge to provide care for the parturient and the anaesthesiologist has got a greater opportunity to contribute to obstetric services. Regional anaesthesia is increasingly used for elective & emergency caesarean sections & considered to be safer than general anaesthesia. We present some factors that are important to consider when choosing the anaesthetic method for caesarean section. Both regional and general anaesthesia may be employed for caesarean section. Each is relatively safe and they have their own advantages and disadvantages. Actual decision to adopt one technique over another depends on maternal and foetal status and skill and ability of the anaesthesiologist to tackle the situation with the aim of patient and baby safety.
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