Study of Tendo-achilles reconstruction using Flexor hallucislongus auto-graft
Tendoachilles, Tendoachilles reconstruction,, Flexor hallucislongus, Chronic Tendochilles rupture.Abstract
Introduction : In the lower limb, Tendo - Achilles is the most common ruptured tendon and accounts for 20% of major tendon injuries. Tendon repair
can be considered after debridement for defects in the tendon which measure less than 3 cm or time since trauma less than 3 months. In cases where
defect is larger than 3 cm reconstructive procedures such as local tissue transfer, tissue augmentation, V-Y Gastro-soleus recession and
local tendon transfers are preferable. Aims and objectives : To evaluate the functional outcome of Tendo-Achilles Reconstruction using Flexor
HallucisLongus tendon auto-graft over a period of 6 months. Materials & Methodology : 10 patients with chronic tear of Tendo-Achilles were
treated with Tendoachilles reconstruction using flexor hallucislongusautograft. There were 7 males and 3 females with a mean age of 43.2
years. Result : Satisfactory outcome was obtained in 8 out of 10 cases with average return to normal activity at 3 months post op. Conclusion :
Reconstruction of Tendo - Achilles using FHL auto-graft has an initial learning curve. The power Satisfactory patient outcome guides us for
selecting this procedure as the procedure of choice in chronic tears.
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