Prospective study of trochanteric femoral nail in management of intertrochanteric fractures of femur
Trochanteric Femoral Nail, Proximal Femoral Nail, Intertrochantric fracture, Fracture, Proximal femur.Abstract
Intertrochanteric fractures are most frequent fractures worldwide. The intramedullary devices used are PFN and TFN. PFN size is 25cm and has complication of anterior thigh pain as it is a straight nail and abuts against the anterior femoral cortex due to the anterior femoral bow. Hence nowadays TFN is preferred as it is a short 18cm nail. The study is a prospective study carried out in our institute from September 2015 to February 2016.All patients above 18 years of age having intertrochanteric fractures were taken in the study. Total 50 patients (34 males & 16 females) were operated within 8 days of admission. In all cases standard TFN of 18cm length with 130 to 135 degree was used. Average follow up period was for 6 months. All patients were analyzed by clinic-radiological evidence of fracture union and functional evaluation was made by Harris hip score. The study concludes that trochanteric femoral nail is the treatment modality of choice for treatment of intertrochanteric fractures of femur and produces excellent results.
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