Study of Arthroscopic Fixation of PCL Tibial Avulsion Fractures Using Tightrope Like Device
Posterior cruciate ligament, Tibial avulsion fractures, Arthroscopic fixation, TightropeAbstract
Avulsion fracture of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), from its tibial insertion is a rare injury in the Western world. In comparison, its incidence is much higher in countries such as India or China because of the more frequent 2-wheeler-related injuries. The treatment of such fractures is ever evolving. Surgical treatment is a must for these fractures. Open reduction and internal fixation with either k wires or cc screws is being practiced on a regular basis. The tibial attachment of the posterior cruciate ligament is located in an area which is difficult to access. Hence arthroscopic technique of fixation is gaining popularity these days. The tight rope device has recently gained popularity and has been well accepted for the purpose of acromio clavicular joint repair and reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament, achieving solid fixation with good clinical results. A total of 10 cases operated by this technique have been included in this study and graded according to Lysholm Knee Score. This study is entitled to bring about the technique, clinical efficacy and complications of this technique.
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