Presentation of Ewing’s Sarcoma In Unlikely Age Group at Unusual Location
Ewing’s Sarcoma, Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET), Ewing family of tumours (EFT), Round cell tumor.Abstract
Ewings sarcoma is highly malignant, round cell neoplasm of uncertain origin. It is the sixth most common malignant tumor of bone. It must be distinguished from chronic osteomyelitis and other malignant round cell tumors like lymphoma, metastatic neuroblastoma and small cell osteosarcoma. Most patients are between 10 to 25years old, rarely patients are younger than age 5 years and older than age 40 years. We report a 55 year female who presented with swelling over right shoulder with pain and inability to move right shoulder later diagnosed as Ewing’s sarcoma of proximal part of humerus right side. The earlier diagnosis at this age may help in better management of the condition and prevent further complications and have better prognosis
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