A Cross Sectional Study to Evaluate Cutaneous Manifestations in Diabetic Patients and their Correlation with Sugar Control at Tertiary Care Center in Western Maharashtra
Diabetes, Cutaneous Manifestations, Sugar Control, HbA1cAbstract
Introduction: Diabetes is a leading chronic disease in world and number of cases are significantly increasing each year in India also. Out of many associated conditions, skin involvement in diabetes also needs to be evaluated. We conducted this study to study relation between the sugar control and skin manifestations in diabetic patients. Methodology: We studied total 100 diabetic patients visiting our dermatology OPD over a period of 1 year from January to December 2020. All skin diseases in diabetic patients were studied. We studied association of these diseases with sugar control in our study participants. Results: Mean age of our study participants was 63.48 ± 18.12 years, Majority of the males were from the age group of 61 and above, 34 (62.96%) while majority of the females were from the age group of 41-60 years 25 (54.35%). Majority of the patients had diabetes for 5-10 years (52%) followed by more than 10 years (36%) and less than 5 years in 24% cases. Out of 100 participants, 44% had controlled diabetes while rest 56% had uncontrolled diabetes with HbA1c > 6. We observed a significant difference in skin manifestations of controlled and uncontrolled sugars in diabetic patients. (p = 0.007). Conclusion: From this study, we conclude that the skin is involved in diabetes quite often. Early diagnosis and treatment of skin manifestations in diabetic patients is important to reduce unwanted morbidity and further complications in the diabetic patients.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Dr. Ashutosh Chate, Dr. Amrut Swami, Dr. Vishal Indurkar, Ms. Sakshi Rane

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