Newer Therapies In Management of Neonatal Birth Asphyxia
Birth asphyxia, Neonatal Hypoxia, Neonatal encephalopathy, Therapeutic hypothermiaAbstract
Asphyxia is an insult to the fetus or newborn due to lack of oxygen or lack of perfusion to various organs.1 National Neonatology Forum of India has defined asphyxia as gasping or ineffective breathing or lack of breathing at 1 min of life.2
Birth asphyxia is one of the most important causes of neonatal brain injury whose incidence ranges from 3.7 to 9/1000 deliveries in the west.3 With the advent of therapeutic hypothermia (TH), improved outcomes are being reported in moderate HIE. TH, however, has not demonstrated improvement in outcomes related to severe HIE. . This has led clinicians and researchers to continue evaluating complementary and/or alternative therapies for infants with HIE. In this review, we will discuss current and emerging therapies in the management of HIE, other than hypothermia. With issues of access to health care and the burden of birth asphyxia shifting to developing and least developed nations, there is a need for alternative and supplementary neuroprotective agents. Low cost and easy availability along with ease of use would assist in ensuring that these therapies have global applicability. So global efforts must be taken to increase such studies as birth asphyxia is causing more morbidity & mortality globally.
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