Neonatal & Paediatric Point Of Care Ultrasound (Pocus): A Novel Standard Practice
Neonatal intensive care unit, Ultrasound in Neonate, Point of care ultrasound (POCUS)Abstract
An ever expanding branch of applications have been developed for ultrasound, including its goal directed use at the bedside, often called point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS). ). Although neonatologist-performed functional echocardiography has been at the frontline of the worldwide growth of POCUS, a rapidly growing body of evidence has also demonstrated the importance of non-cardiac applications, including guidance of placement of central catheterisation and lumbar puncture, endotracheal tube localisation as well as rapid estimation of the brain, lungs, bladder and bowel. Ultrasonography has become a pivotal adjunct to the care of neonates in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU); but a full appreciation for its diagnostic capabilities in the NICU is lacking.(2) Ultrasonography (USG) is no longer the exclusive domain of radiologists and cardiologists. With appropriate training, clinician performed ultrasound (CPU) is now practised widely in obstetrics, emergency medicine and adult intensive care .In many developed countries,it is standard practice in neonatology. (3) In this review, we will discuss neonatal & pediatric point of care ultrasound (POCUS) as a novel standard practice & its clinical application for assessment of the head, heart, lung, gut, bladder, for vascular line localization & for endotracheal tube placement. As new applications and adoption of point-of-care ultrasound continues to gain acceptance in paediatric and neonatal medicine throughout the world, a rapidly growing body of evidence suggests that the result will be faster, safer and more successful diagnosis and treatment of our patients.
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