Impact of Educational Intervention on Rational Antibiotic Use In Pediatric Ward
Educational intervention, Rational antibiotic use, AntimicrobialsAbstract
Introduction: Antibiotics are a class of natural and synthetic compounds that inhibit the growth of or kill other microorganisms. Overuse of antibiotic is one of the most important factors for the development and spread of resistance in the hospital, as well as in the community. Present study was designed to describe antibiotic use in children and to assess the impact of an educational intervention on antibiotic prescription. Methods: The present study was conducted in pediatric ward of a tertiary care institute. The study population included two groups of children – each having 250 children. The first group consisted of 250 consecutive children admitted in one unit of the pediatric ward and they were analyzed for antibiotic use without any prior priming of the members of the unit regarding rationality of antibiotic use. This was followed by an intervention in the form of a 3hour workshop for all members of the unit. The second group included another 250 children consecutively admitted in the wards after this intervention. Results: In Pre intervention group 55 (44%) children received antibiotics in rational way, while in Post intervention group 90(60.40%) children received antibiotic in rational way. One hundred and thirty-six children (49.4%) received antibiotics for respiratory tract infections, this being the commonest disease for which antibiotics were received. As seen in the table, unindicated use of antibiotic was significantly reduced in Post intervention group (p = 0.03). Conclusion: The present study included 500 children. There were 285 (57%) males and 215 (43%) females. Amongst these 500 patients, 178 (35.6%) were below 1 year of age. This group had the highest number of patients. In the Pre intervention group, 55 (44%) children received antibiotics rationally, while in Post intervention group 90(60.40%) children received antibiotic rationally.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Dr. Makarand Dharma, Dr. Sachin Vahadane, Dr. Shreya Bhate, Dr. Abhijit Shinde

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